Suchitwa Keralam -Waste Management in Urban Areas

The state government is giving atmost priority to source waste treatment in the solid waste treatment sector. Unit cost has been determined by identifying suitable technologies for bio-waste treatment. The Government provides partial funding for projects undertaken by Grama Panchayats and Urban Councils in their respevtive area. Premonsoon activities are being spearheaded by the local bodies to control the spread of pandemic and other infectious diseases in the state during the months of June-July. Awareness campaigns are being conducted through audio-visual and print media to create habits suitable for scientific waste management among the people.

In order to facilitate the implementation of source level waste management projects, Suchitwa Mission has empanelled service-providers and these agencies are providing support to the LSGIs in establishing source level treatment facilities through the projects envisaged by them.

The major activities undertaken under Suchitwa Keralam scheme are enhancing the infrastructure capability for source level treatment of biodegradable waste along with door-todoor collection of non-biodegradables and their recycling. For the purpose, it is proposed to form Harithakarmasena, construct MCF & RRF, establish forward linkages etc at LSGI level.

Budgeted Plan for Financial Year  2023-24

Sl No


  Financial Targets

Unit cost

State Share

(Rs in lakhs) 
1 Mechanized Sweeping of Roads and Public Places in ULBs


Actual 100%
2 Setting up of construction and demolition waste plants Based on estimate Maxi 25%
3 Conversion of leach pit to septic tank/Bio digester for Individual house hold toilets For septic tanks, Rs 25000 in coastal  and High water table areas and Rs 20000/- for other areas; For  bio-digesters, Rs.50,000/- Maxi 75%
4 Reconstruction of Toilets damaged due to floods in Urban areas in  schools /Libraries affiliated to State Library council & other water logged areas Based on estimate 100%
5 Construction of Sanitary Complexes in Public Places, Take a break Toilet complexes, Public Offices including educational institutions and major tourist spots located in ULBs and support to Swachh Bharat Mission (U) activities.Upgradation of toilets and other facilities for achieving ODF+,ODF++ activities, including Take a Break toilets Actual 100%
6 Modern Waste to Energy biogas plants in Urban areas as part of solid waste management Actual 100%
7 Solid Waste Processing Plant and its modification, Material Collection Facilities (MCF), Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) Equipments for waste handling, Plastic Shredding Units etc Removal of Legacy waste and bio mining Based on estimate 100%


Source Level Treatment  of  Solid Waste

Based on estimate


9 Pre-monsoon cleaning campaign (Arogya Jagratha) Based on estimate 100%
10 Intensive IEC activities including workshop R&D and capacity building, developing mobile app for SWM in urban area in collaboration with KELTRON Based on estimate 100%
11 Liquid Waste Management including septage treatment plant, Mechanisation of Septage management , Liquid Waste treatment projects for Rejuvenation of canals and rivers Based on estimate 100%
12 Hand holding support for SHGs/Start Ups entrepreneurs involved in waste management supporting services, Incentive for promoting Extended Producer  Responsibility and any other such programmes , Promotion of Green Protocol activities Actual 100%
13 Disaster related sanitation and waste management Actual 100%
14 Technical advice for Urban Civic amenities Actual 100%
  Sub Total 2200